6 Flo-Thru Element Standard

Repalcement heater element for most of the older Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath tubs built prior to 2002.

Fits in all Balboa built heater manifolds, regardless of spa model.

6-Flo is 11" long and will operate at 5.5KW 240 Volt or can be used as a 1.5KW 115 Volt.

How to Test the Heater Element for Continuity:

  1. You must dis-connect the element from the system to get an accurate reading.
  2. Use a 1/4" wrench to hold the bottom stationary nut, and a 3/8" wrench to remove the top nut.
  3. Set your meter to test ohms and touch a lead to each heater terminal.
  4. If your meter shows OL or the needle doesn't move, the element is open and must be replaced. If you get a reading between 9-12 with your meter set on 200 ohm or it's lowest setting,  the element is able to perform work and the resistance reading is within acceptable ranges. 

NOTE: GFCI trips are another matter. Dis-connect the heater element wires or copper straps and point them in a safe place. if your GFCI holds and the rest of the system operates normally, replace the heater element. 





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  • Manufactured by: Jacuzzi Hot Tubs

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